Sunday, April 05, 2009

You da' man, Ben...

Another thoughtful observation on CBS Sunday Morning just a little while ago from commentator Ben Stein about the virtues of living with a dog...

1 comment:

Pat Deeds said...

Mutley's story: I took my young dog, Mutley to have a neuter surgery and he died suddenly. No surgery ever took place. The veterinarian used a cattle & horse drug to sedate him and he collasped and died. The lies started and I never recieved an explanation. The Md vet board dismissed my case, again with no explanation and no appeal process to find out what happened. I was left on my own to investigate why this happened. I found out that this drug was NOT recommended for cats & dogs, but it was used off label without my informed consent. I do believe that my dog was not properly surpervised or given any reversal drugs as was stated. This is a wide spread problem and until we make the public aware and change the laws this will continue. The state veterinary boards also need to be investigated as to why this is allowed to continue and no answers given. I will never give up on why my dog was killed. I am exremely devastated and traumatized from this. All of the costs are left on the victim which is an added insult. I can be reached at